A vow to make- A step to take

 Dear All,

"हाथ कम ना पड़ जाये कभी मदद को मेरी, तो लो एक हाथ हमने भी आगे बढ़ा दिया साथी"।।।

I am humbled to announce that I have decided to put part of my monthly income to some social cause from now on. 

I have been sharing the thought with a lot of  positive minded people, and I remember the plans  shared with many of  you, to do something for society in future. 

Having thought over in detail and after having thorough discussion with my family, whom this decision is going to impact  most closely I have decided so.

Like everyone in  the society, I have been part of small act of kindness now and then. Of late, it had always been in the plans to start a social initiative that can grow and one day become a self sustaining institution to help the cause.

Today, I am pleased to put the seed of contribution in the form of this "Vow".

Now, one question came to mind. What is the need to announce this?

Answer was simple, I belong to a generation, who make new year resolution only to break them.

So, i decided to make it public and open myself to social accountability, so that it reminds me in my low times, that there are people who need help. With this and your blessings I shall continue with the commitment.

Social Causes :-

1. To contribute to ensure that old people in our society shall continue to  lead life with dignity.

2. To do efforts so that no-one sleeps hungry.

3. To prevent cruelty against animals and try to give them dignified life and death.


1. I want to start an old age home some day.

2. निवाला:-  3 time free meal self sustaining mechanism where anyone can have good quality food.

3. पषुग्राम- places near us, where animals - destitute pets, cattles, street animals, can lead dignified life and can meet dignified natural death.

तू ही मंज़िल, तेरा ही रास्ता,

तू ही नींव इस सोच की,

तू ही बनना इसमें सहारा।।।


God help me please.


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